Sierra Whitmire
Jr. High & High School Assistant

Job Title: Youth Ministry Assistant
Education: I Graduated form Vanguard University with a Bachelor's of Arts in Worship Studies and I am currently attending Liberty University’s online Masters program in Christian Apologetics.
Years in church ministry: 5th year serving in the youth ministry
Describe your job: I assist Pastor Byron and our Youth Director Cole Royster in all the background work that goes into youth ministry and I am also in charge of the youth worship band.
Family: Mom - Stacey Whitmire Dad - David Whitmire Brother - Dakota Whitmire
Hometown: Westminster, California
I started going to CrossPoint… when I was born. I was dedicated here at CrossPoint. My parents have been attending here for many years prior to me and my brother being born.
Chick-Fil-A or Raising Cane's? Chick fil a all the way. There is no question about that.
Mountains or beach? I could not live without the beach but mountain air is good for the soul too!
Early bird or night owl? I am a night owl if I know I can sleep in the next day. If I have to be up early and I stay out too late I am way cranky.
Coffee or tea? I really don’t like either
Starbucks or Portola? Neither
Casual or dressy? Casual all day every day!
You have a free Saturday. What do you do? I would love to spend the day on an adventure with my friends or family.
What’s the longest you would wait in the In n Out drive through? Oof not very long I would rather go to chick fil a.
One place I’ve always wanted to visit is… Israel is that place! That would be a dream come true.
Favorite spot in Huntington Beach? That’s really hard. I would probably have to say the beach.
A book you would recommend to everyone? Don’t let the enemy have a seat at your table by Louie Giglio for sure 10/10 recommend.
What’s the weirdest thing about you? The fact that I don’t like coffee.